Tag: simulated client initiative

  • Simulated Client workshop summary

    The psychoanalyst Erik Erikson once observed that if you wish to understand a culture, study its nurseries. There is a similar principle for the understanding of professions: if you wish to understand why professions develop as they do, study their nurseries, in this case, their forms of professional preparation. When you do, you will generally…

  • Osgoode Sim Client Project

    We’ve finished our Simulated Client (SC) project at Osgoode Hall Law School, which was around three months in the planning. Further and much more detailed analysis later, but this is a quick post for now to summarise what we did.

  • The gentle rebuke

    Yesterday I presented to faculty and students at Osgoode on the Simulated Client Initiative (SCI).  Slides at the usual place, at the Slides tab above and on Slideshare.  Lots of fascinating discussion afterwards.  To demonstrate the eight global criteria we developed at Strathclyde, and how they were used with SCs, I took the second criterion…

  • Simulated Client workshop: Plenary wrap-up

    Final session…  I posed the last question set out in our programme: where to from here?  One participant answered it in an interestingly oblique way.  What about the model of the encounter, he said – is it all about an expert telling the student what he or she did wrong?  Surely there must be a…

  • Simulated Client Workshop, London, 2.6.17

    It’s the Simulated Client (SC) workshop today, which I previewed here.  Some great sessions planned, lots of interactivity over lunch, and more thereafter.  We kick off with a plenary from Roger Kneebone, who I met at the National Teaching Fellow dinner back in 2011 purely by chance, and found we shared an enthusiasm for simulation…

  • Third National Symposium on Experiential Learning in Law, Saturday am: small group sessions

    Just spent a fascinating two days at Osgoode Hall, talking to staff there about many aspects of legal education.  More of that later.  But it’s Saturday, New York Law School, and day 2 of the above Symposium.  David Thomson invited me along to a panel on assessment tools for practice skills, which we’re doing tomorrow.…