Tag: simulated client

  • Simulated Client workshop summary

    The psychoanalyst Erik Erikson once observed that if you wish to understand a culture, study its nurseries. There is a similar principle for the understanding of professions: if you wish to understand why professions develop as they do, study their nurseries, in this case, their forms of professional preparation. When you do, you will generally…

  • Experiential Learning Conference, HKU Faculty of Law, day 1, pm

    First session after lunch is a continuation of the theme of clinic.  First up, Kathleen Laverty, Director of Strathclyde Law Clinic, Strathclyde Law School, Glasgow.  They don’t have an aim to educate students – not that that isn’t important, but social justice is the first aim and education flows from that.  So the Social Justice…

  • CLEO Conference: Games, Stories and Simulations

    Am here in London South Bank University Law at the invitation of Emily Allbon, Dawn Watkins and Andy Unger, who are convening this one-day event.  CLEO is the Clinical Legal Education Organisation, but as the title suggests, the speakers are moving well beyond the usual framework of clinic. There will be Belbin role games and design…

  • The gentle rebuke

    Yesterday I presented to faculty and students at Osgoode on the Simulated Client Initiative (SCI).  Slides at the usual place, at the Slides tab above and on Slideshare.  Lots of fascinating discussion afterwards.  To demonstrate the eight global criteria we developed at Strathclyde, and how they were used with SCs, I took the second criterion…