Session 1, day 2, UNSW legal research conference
This session is called ‘Technology: disrupting legal education’. First up, Michael Adams, giving us ‘Law and technology: 20 year reflections’. Started with a roundup of hardware. According to him underlying pedagogy has not changed; though technology, he says has changed teaching. Not sure I agree with that. Mentioned LMSs, showed market placings of LMSs, mentioned…
Badges – who do we trust, and why?
I’ve been interested in badges for a while now, and impressed with what the good folks over at Mozilla have been doing to create open badges. There’s a badge kit, discussed here, and you can carry your badges around in your backpack. Cool stuff.
Heroism, liminality, time
The Hero MOOC called up more memories. A large wall poster from my primary school days, in a Catholic boarding school — and me, aged eight, just arrived there, bewildered enough by the school, trying to make sense of the poster. I remember an imperious-looking Greek man in a chariot drawing up in a sunlit…