Tag: legal education

  • CLEO Conference: Games, Stories and Simulations

    Am here in London South Bank University Law at the invitation of Emily Allbon, Dawn Watkins and Andy Unger, who are convening this one-day event.  CLEO is the Clinical Legal Education Organisation, but as the title suggests, the speakers are moving well beyond the usual framework of clinic. There will be Belbin role games and design…

  • Assessment in Legal Education – new book series

    Today ANU Press has published Assessment in Legal Education. Critical Perspectives on the Scholarship of Assessment and Learning in Law. Vol 1: England.  It’s the first volume in a series, this volume edited by Alison Bone and myself.  The series editors are Craig Collins and Vivien Holmes (ANU College of Law); I’m consultant editor.  ANU Press is an…

  • Pressing problems MLR seminar, final thoughts

    The seminar organisers based the conference on a book of essays edited by Peter Birks entitled Pressing Problems in the Law. Vol 2. What are Law Schools For? and published by OUP in 1996 (hereafter, ‘Birks’). I remember buying it around 1997 or 1998, second-hand, from Voltaire & Rousseau, in Glasgow.  Five years out from…

  • Pressing Problems, second plenary

    We now have Steven Vaughan from the Faculty of Laws, UCL, on ‘The lies we tell ourselves: Problematising the (S)hallow foundations of the core of legal education’. First up is the trot through the QLD, then on data from a project Steven has been working on. Steven started by querying the reasons for the five…

  • Constitution, institution, foundation: a ius commune of legal education

    In a chapter I finished a while back for Catrina Denvir’s forthcoming book on Modernising Legal Education I explored what modernising the law school actually means, with case studies – hence the title, referencing Talking Heads, ‘Same as it ever was?  Second modernity, technocracy, and the design of digital legal education’.  As I point out,…

  • LETR conference: reflections

    I said in my first conference post that I was hoping for the conference to help me understand LETR’s continuing significance, if any.   I left with more questions in my mind about LETR’s purpose, but also a sense that what we co-authors made of it was at least in parts enduring beyond the five-year…

  • LETR conference: parallel papers, 2

    First up, Jenny Gibbons on ‘Curriculum as constitution’.  Fascinating analogy, which I’ve explored elsewhere.  She started with Fortnite Island.  To play the game you need to: learn the rules of the game know how to find and use yr materials take time to create safe spaces learn to maximise yr advantage in encounters learn from…

  • LETR conference: Professional Panel

    The panel comprised three representatives of regulatory bodies.  First up, Julie Brannan, Director of Education and Training.  Her slide points out which of LETR recommendations the SRA accepted: She also pointed out the themes that were recognised by the SRA and the evidence drawn upon.   She also outlined the SRA response, its view of…

  • Conference: LETR – Five Years On

    The Legal Education and Training Review submitted its findings five years ago now – seems more like 15 years to be honest, so much has happened in the interim.  To mark the occasion, Jessica Guth of Leeds Law School at Leeds Beckett University has organised the above conference, taking place tomorrow.  LETR’s co-authors Julian Webb,…

  • Hemiola in legal education – afterthoughts on the Directions conference

    I’ve summarised my keynote in a blog post on the Osgoode Professional Development blog, so no need to comment on it here, except to say that the place of the arts in legal education design is a long-neglected area of educational research – more of that at the end of this blog post. This was…

  • Plenary: Julian Webb – ‘Beyond Futureshock – will there be a law school in 2040?’

    Next up, Julian talking about technological life, ‘onlaw’, future shock and towards an ‘onlaw’ curriculum.   He started by talking about technology – what is it?  He quoted Schon on technology extending human capability.  Julian focused on ICT – information & comms technology, and how these are at the centre of a major social shift to…

  • Directions in Legal Education 2018, Chinese University of Hong Kong

    I’m speaking at CUHK Faculty of Law’s conference on teaching and learning in law – slides on Slideshare, and at the Slides tab above, titled ‘An exhibition of future law schools: three portraits and a seascape’. Am now attending the parallel session on Future of Legal Education.  First up, Geraint Howells, ‘Every pint bottle should…