Tag: legal education

  • Simulated Client workshop summary

    The psychoanalyst Erik Erikson once observed that if you wish to understand a culture, study its nurseries. There is a similar principle for the understanding of professions: if you wish to understand why professions develop as they do, study their nurseries, in this case, their forms of professional preparation. When you do, you will generally…

  • Sim client workshop: programme and resources

    One of the initiatives I’ve been working on in the last 20 years is the Simulated Client Initiative. I’ve worked with a range of partners to establish SC projects internationally. I’ve also organised international workshops in London (Gray’s Inn), Canberra (ANU College of Law) and Toronto, which were liveblogged in this blog This month, people…

  • BILETA 2024: Legal education manifesto

    It was billed in the conference programme as the launch of the BILETA online teaching policy. But the document is more subtle and radical than this: a BILETA manifesto; not teaching-focused but learning-centred; not just online but education in the round. Why a manifesto, why now? There was a feeling that post-pandemic, with the drift…

  • BILETA 2024: Legal education session 1

    Four papers. First up, Nick Scharf from East Anglia U, on an intriguing interdisciplinary topic: ‘Give the Drummer Some: Reflecting on the use of the drum kit to enhance student learning of copyright law’. As he describes it in his abstract ‘The approach outlined here breaks from the traditional question/answer/discussion structure of seminars and allows…

  • BILETA 2024

    I’m at the two-day BILETA 2024 annual conference, held this year in Dublin, hosted by Dublin City University’s School of Law and Government. As an Honorary Vice President of BILETA I was invited by the Executive to participate in a roundtable on the newly-minted policy document, ‘A manifesto for the post-pandemic university’. The document describes…

  • BILETA22: Day 2: Plenary and legal education stream

    First up, yours truly giving the second keynote, on legal education.  Slides in the usual place at the Slides tab above, and can be downloaded from Slideshare.  More of that at a later date. In the paper sessions, it’s legal education time, and Claudy Op den Kamp (Bournemouth) is first up, on ‘”Collagementary” as a…

  • BILETA 2021 Conference

    The BILETA 2021 Conference will be kicking off next week – 0915 BST Wed 14 April – 1800 BST Friday 16 April.  I’ve been organising this year’s online conference on behalf of Newcastle University Law School with the assistance of my super virtual assistant Kirsty Melvin.  We have over 80 papers, two plenaries, two paper…

  • Emerging Legal Education & Digital Games, Simulations and Learning series – five new volumes

    First of all apologies to all three of my readers who have got in touch to ask if I had departed this world or worse stopped blogging.  It’s been an unconscionable time, but I’m still hanging in there.  Been mega-busy with projects at Osgoode and my new role at Newcastle University Law School, and elsewhere…

  • Sim Clients @ Osgoode

    We’ve organised student interviews with our Sim Clients (SCs) this academic year again in Osgoode Hall Law School.  As before, we ran the project in the JD 1L, but this time in the first, not the second, semester. And as before we ran the project in Legal Process (subject leader Shelley Margot Kierstead, with the…

  • Experiential Learning Conference, HKU Faculty of Law, day 2, am, session 2

    Coffee break, during which I managed to crash WordPress then my MacBook with too many uploads of photos of slides.  Managed to sort it all out with the help of more coffee to combat creeping jet lag (that time in the morning) but missed the first 15 mins or so of the final session –…

  • Experiential Learning Conference, HKU Faculty of Law, day 1, pm

    First session after lunch is a continuation of the theme of clinic.  First up, Kathleen Laverty, Director of Strathclyde Law Clinic, Strathclyde Law School, Glasgow.  They don’t have an aim to educate students – not that that isn’t important, but social justice is the first aim and education flows from that.  So the Social Justice…

  • Experiential Learning Conference, HKU Faculty of Law, day 1, am

    I’m at this conference at the invitation of Wilson Chow and the conference committee. It’s one of a series of events marking the 50th anniversary of the founding of HKU’s Faculty of Law.  It’s great to be back in HK and meet colleagues and friends in the Faculty, and talk over projects.  More of that…