Tag: clinic
Experiential Learning Conference, HKU Faculty of Law, day 2, am, session 1
Second day of the conference, and we’re focusing first on technology and innovations in legal education, followed after the break by a session on experiential learning and innovation in professional education. For reference, full conference programme here. We start with the third keynote, this time from Daniel Rodriguez from Northwestern Pritzker School of Law, on…
Experiential Learning Conference, HKU Faculty of Law, day 1, pm
First session after lunch is a continuation of the theme of clinic. First up, Kathleen Laverty, Director of Strathclyde Law Clinic, Strathclyde Law School, Glasgow. They don’t have an aim to educate students – not that that isn’t important, but social justice is the first aim and education flows from that. So the Social Justice…
Commonwealth Legal Education Association (CLEA) conference, Melbourne 2017, session 1
I’m attending the CLEA conference, and giving a paper with Julian Webb (slides up on the Slides tab above). Welcome and Acknowledgment of Country by David Barker, who also presented a paper giving a general summary of the history of Australian law schools from 1960 onwards. In their paper Claire Carroll and Brad Jessup examined…
Access to justice for crime victims, the accused, and the community: teaching law students about the role of the prosecutor in advancing social justice (PM)
First session of the third and last day, and it’s Lynn Su from New York Law School. She’s a former assistant district attorney from the Office of the District Attorney (DA), Bronx County, NY City. She is describing a clinic run at NYLS that focuses on prosecution (apparently the model for the office of Law…
The creation of a university teaching law firm through the alternative business structure model – farsighted or foolhardy? (PM)
First up after lunch, Jenny Holloway, Nick Johnson and Jane Jarman (Nottingham Law School, NLS), on a unique venture at NLS integrating clinic and ABS (alternative business structure, cf Legal Services Act 2007, etc) Why have a legal advice centre? overall educational benefits of clinical legal education professional ethic and skills based education legal practice…