• Keynote 2: Technology makes you a better lawyer, not a techie

    Second keynote, this time from Ludwig Bull, a student from Cambridge (when did you last attend a legal ed conference, or indeed any conference, where a student presents…?).  Avid readers of my blog will remember that I’ve already posted on his achievements.  He started his keynote with a 3-D model of citations of Donoghue vs…

  • CLE Conference, session 2

    The first parallel session and I’m blogging Janice Denoncourt from NLS on ‘Interdisciplinary legal education: embedding IP law in Business programmes’.  Janice has already been published on the subject but she adapts her interdisciplinary approaches very neatly for legal education. Janice is talking about IP law and legal education, and argues that law schools need…

  • Centre for Legal Education (CLE) Conference, Nottingham Law School, Notts Trent University, session 1

    At the kind behest of Pamela Henderson, my colleague at NLS, I’ve joined the CLE blog as guest speaker and will be liveblogging the conference at that blog and also here.  I’m a part-time professor at NLS, and a member of the CLE, which does fine research work in legal education.  The conference has speakers…

  • Simulated client, final session – ahead of whose curve?

    So where do we want to take the SCI from here?  That was a key question for us at the final session of the day.  It was observed that however successful the method might be demonstrated to be, there will be some staff and some students who simply will not want to engage.  That’s understandable…

  • Session 7: SCs and professional development for lawyers

    My computer was in use for the earlier sessions, so couldn’t liveblog those sessions.  But here’s the computer now, and here’s Rory O’Boyle and Freda Grealy discussing what they do with SCs in the Law Society of Ireland, in the professional training of practitioners.  I trained their clients back in 2012, and they’ve gone on…

  • SCI session 1: Roger Kneebone

    Roger began with his experience, as a trauma surgeon and a family practitioner.  He gave an interesting view of medical practitioners as concerned with process and procedure, eg consultations as process, where consultations could be analysed via simulations – hence simulated patients.  Here he shifted laterally to frames and kinship.  Medicine is a frame where…

  • Simulated Client Workshop, London, 2.6.17

    It’s the Simulated Client (SC) workshop today, which I previewed here.  Some great sessions planned, lots of interactivity over lunch, and more thereafter.  We kick off with a plenary from Roger Kneebone, who I met at the National Teaching Fellow dinner back in 2011 purely by chance, and found we shared an enthusiasm for simulation…

  • From ANU College of Law to Osgoode Hall Law School…

    I’ve moved post, from ANU College of Law in Canberra to Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, in Toronto, and I’m now in Toronto about to start my first week at Osgoode on Keele Campus and at Osgoode Professional Development (OPD) in downtown Toronto.  Really looking forward to starting.  Osgoode is a great law school,…

  • Libraries, boats and legal education

    My favourite library on ANU campus is the Menzies Library, named for the Australian Prime Minister Sir Robert Gordon Menzies who laid the foundation stone, and which holds collections in Asia Pacific and Far East – history, anthropology, politics and international relations, literature and language, religion and philosophy.  It’s a heritage-listed building and rightly so.…

  • Simulated Clients: A workshop on interdisciplinary learning and teaching in legal education

    Shameless plug alert…  I’m organising the next workshop in the SLS legal education workshops series, called ‘Simulated Clients: A workshop on interdisciplinary learning and teaching in legal education’.  Friday 2 June, 0950-1600, in the Common Room of the Atkin Building, City Law School, City University, London.   Here’s the flyer, and an extract from it: The…

  • SLS PBL workshop, session 2: Refreshing PBL @ York

    Post-lunch, Scott Slorach presented two projects.  Project 1: York Pedagogy, a project on programme level outcomes, to be aligned with YLS curriculum refresh.  Scott in interested in Advanced PBL Case Studies: increased complexity of facts, issues and law, and the use of PBL ‘outputs as a stepping stone.  This would be an option as against…

  • SLS workshops: Problem-based learning workshop @ York University Law School

    At last year’s SLS conference in St Catherine’s College, Oxford Caroline Strevens (Legal Education section convenor) and I discussed having a number of workshops on innovative topics in legal education that bridged the gap between one conference and the next.  Nigel Duncan joined us, then Scott Slorach, and before we knew it, we had a…