• ‘Curriculum is technology’: Affordances of ePortfolios.

    This is the title of a plenary I gave in ANU on Friday at the launch of the university’s ePortfolio.  Slides at the tab above and on Slideshare.  I was also on the panel discussion, and later videotaped in interview for the website.  Sections of the talk: Research design and reflective journalling: a case study…

  • Simulated Client workshop: Plenary wrap-up

    Final session…  I posed the last question set out in our programme: where to from here?  One participant answered it in an interestingly oblique way.  What about the model of the encounter, he said – is it all about an expert telling the student what he or she did wrong?  Surely there must be a…

  • Vivien Holmes, Pamela Taylor-Barnett: The power of narrative – immersive video/audio work with students

    Vivien and Pamela presented on the work they’re doing on using video clips to enhance the approaches taken by Mary Gentile in her educational design work and in her fine book, Giving Voice to Values.  The video excerpts, produced in ANU College of Law, are well-acted, short piece-to-camera, direct and powerful. Students watch them, then…

  • Moira Murray: Student evaluation of the use of SCs at ANU College of Law

    Moira described how the 2012 pilot project was designed in the ANU College of Law.  I trained the SCs for ANU CoL back then, the pilot was held, and there was consolidated and refresher training, too, of SCs.  Each student of 104 students in the pilot had a recorded interview with a client, and had…

  • Julienne Jen: Research into SCs – The Hong Kong University experience

    Julienne was presenting on behalf of her and her colleagues, Wilson Chow and Michael Ng.  The context of the use of SCs was the Postgrad Certificate in Laws (PCLL) at HKU Faculty of Law, which is skills-based, with students training to be trainee solicitors or pupil barristers in Hong Kong, and which is monitored closely…

  • Lucy Evans: the experience of using SCs at Flinders Law School

    Before Lucy’s session I gave a brief history of the SCI initiative in my slides ‘The Simulated Client Initiative: A portrait of the outsider as teacher’, and they’re up on the SCI site. Back to Flinders…  Lucy described how the SC innovation was carried out at Flinders – based, as Lucy pointed out, on the…

  • Simulated Client workshop, Canberra, 16.8.17 – Keynote, Debra Nestel

    I’m back at ANU, Canberra, giving a series of workshops and seminars over three days, which I’ll liveblog or try to summarise in this and subsequent posts – part of my duties as an Honorary Prof at the ANU College of Law (I’m now with Osgoode Hall Law School). First up is an all-day workshop…

  • CLE Conference.  Final thoughts: doing and undoing

    In the FT back in March, John Gapper wrote an interesting article on why Standard Life offered a whopping £3.8bn for Aberdeen Asset Management.  It wasn’t a merger based on strength on either side (Standard Life acquiring Aberdeen’s niche skills; Aberden accessing Standard Life’s strength in developed markets) but on joint weakness.  That weakness, Gapper…

  • CLE conference, day 2, session 6

    Emily Allbon and Morris Pamplin, from City Law School now, on ‘Lagton Legal: Creating a transmedia story world for the LLB Legal Practice’.  This LLB is a fully-online supported distance learning programme, developed with CILEx for legal executives and others.  The students are returners to education, working while studying, with family and other commitments.  How…

  • CLE conference, day 2, session 3

    Presentations by Matthew Homewood, NLS, and Neetu Chetty (Varsity College, South Africa).  Matthew up first, on ‘Extending learning spaces using social media’.  He’s been collecting prizes by the armful recently, and he compared the situation re digital tech and legal education to the situation with initial teacher resistance to calculators in school classrooms.  Interesting.  He…

  • CLE conference, day two, session 3

    Third plenary, Craig Newbery-Jones, Plymouth University Law School, on ‘The courage to walk into the darkness, strength to return to the light.  Technological experimentation within legal education and legal practice’.  I’ve published Craig’s work in the past – he has a highly sophisticated view of digital technologies and their uses in legal education, well worth…

  • CLE conference, day 2, session 1

    First up today, Lisa Davies, on ‘Law PORT: an online training initiative to improve the legal information literacy skills of PhD researchers across the UK.’  Lisa is a law librarian from IALS.  She introduced what IALS Library does, including the roadshows.  To expand reach, their latest initiative is Law PORT – postgrad online research training.…