• SSRN iPhone app

    Since mentioning Arterian & Paul's legal ed summaries from SSRN in the last posting I've downloaded & used the iPhone app for SSRN (iTunes Store, free, here).  Great.  Also wanted to prove I can blog in less than 1500 words…

  • What will enhance legal education in Scotland?

    Was live-blogging Enhancing Legal Education in Scotland, a legal ed conference hosted by UKCLE last week — kudos to Julian Webb and his team for organising it, for it's difficult to bring together the disparate elements of Scots legal education — but my own afternoon session and then many other thoughts intervened, so I've delayed…

  • SIMPLE + Standardized Clients

    Karen Barton, Michael Hughes and I are currently at Franklin Pierce Law Center,  in Concord, New Hampshire, working with John Garvey and others on SIMPLE projects.  The SIMulated Professional Learning Environment facilitates transactional learning between individual students or groups of students and staff, with students usually playing the role of practising lawyers.  SIMPLE can be used…

  • Fareweel Strathclyde, hello Northumbria

    I've resigned from Strathclyde University Law School, effective as of 31 Jan 2010, and next day will be taking up a post as Professor of Legal Education at University of Northumbria Law School, and heading up a legal education centre there.  Retrospectives  will be posted in due course and nearer my departure.  But for the…

  • SIMPLE wins another award

    SIMPLE was awarded the prize for Innovation in e-Assessment at the JISC E-Assessment Scotland Conference held last week in Dundee.  The e-Assessment Competition attracted 28 entries from all over Scotland, including schools, further education colleges and universities. According to e-Assessment Scotland, the Innovation award highlights ‘an example of best practice in e-Assessment, which clearly demonstrates…

  • Legal educator bloglist

    Colin Miller has posted a useful list of US law blogs on SSRN  – 2009 Legal Educator Blog Census, Version 1.0 – a list of ‘anyone who might be involved in the education of students at law schools in the United States’.  I scanned it for blogs dealing specifically with legal education.  Maybe I missed…

  • The web tape

    During visits abroad I like to get a sense of the place I’m in by early-morning jogging.  You see a city or campus anew, literally so.  The morning of the den Haag conference I headed out of the hotel along Jan Hendrikstraat, past the Grote Kerk, along Torenstraat, doubling back along streets quiet in the…

  • Symposium Gaming in het Onderwijs, Leren in een Virtuele Wereld

    Earlier this month I was in the Netherlands, den Haag, at the Haagse Hogeschool, giving a workshop on SIMPLE at the wrap-up conference of the Cyberdam project.  I was invited by Diny Peters who, with Pieter van der Hijden, is one of the key movers in the project.  I call Cyberdam SIMPLE's sister project in the…

  • Observations upon Japanese social habits

    If the title of this post has an Enlightenment ring, it’s deliberate.  This second visit I came equipped with a modest knowledge of Japanese history, which is utterly fascinating; but it’s the social habitus that seizes you.  

  • More thoughts on Japanese legal education

    In Schiphol airport waiting for the Glasgow flight, still thinking on the experience of the seminars.  A lot of what we talked about was grounded in Dewey’s educational pragmatism (more of Dewey & Japan in another post).  For Dewey, learning is a social process primarily.  As he points out in Experience and Nature, the achievement of social ends cannot be reduced to prior…

  • Seminars: Kobe University Faculty of Law

    I was invited by Akira Saito, professor of law at Kobe University Faculty of Law, to hold seminars on what we were doing in the GGSL with regard to transactional learning and technology.  I'd previously worked with another law school, Kwansei Gakuin, in Osaka, close by Kobe, where faculty developed a version of our sim software, and…

  • Intellectual tools mediating thinking

    Vygotsky's notion of intellectual development was based on the idea of 'emergence or transformation of forms of mediation' (Wertsch, 1985, 15).  Certain intellectual tools, in other words (ie 'forms of mediation'), give rise to certain forms of thinking.  The remarkable thing about Vygotsky's formulation is how it liberates our thinking about culture, and particularly educational…