LETR draft literature review now available
We’ve just made public the draft version of the literature review for the Legal Education & Training Review — see the Literature Review page on the LETR project website. More information below the fold.
Tasks and conversations
Good post over on the Best Practices blog, Before you ban – empirical data on student laptop use, blogged by Kevin Ramakrishna, from Prof Kim Novak Morse’s doctoral dissertation (how refreshing to see someone’s area of expertise described as ‘legal writing’). The laptop use is of course in-class (I guess what we’d call, in the…
Academic education, professional education & technology
I contributed a chapter to a book just out, edited by Oliver Goodenough and Marc Lauritsen, entitled Educating the Digital Lawyer (New Providence, NJ, Matthew Bender, 2012). You can access an EPUB ebook version of the book free of charge (if you can’t access EPUBs, see discussion here). It’s blogged by Stephanie Kimbro here and over…
Gloss & (we)blink
Idle thought for a seminar: describe glossed literature, show examples + gloss tools. Issue folio or better still A1 sized sheets, and ask folk to begin to design textura and gloss, in small groups. Then the pages are passed around, and others add to the glosses. Go online: do the same with a wiki: compare…
Having been involved in the construction of an OSCE for the SRA’s new QLTS, I’m following the literature in medical education quite closely. Came across a useful meta-review on a twist to the OSCE — the OSTE: Objective Structured Teaching Encounter. Reference below the fold, with abstract.
Happy New Year to all readers! My article, Sea-change, was published in the International Journal of the Legal Profession, in a number dedicated to William Twining (seminar held in his honour was blogged here). When I got down to writing the article, though, I found myself writing about something rather different from the seminar presentation, though…
Liveblogging an event is basically where you do just that — blog it as it happens. Nice post, via Stephen Downes’ Oldaily, from Matt Thompson over at Poynter, on how to do it and why he likes doing it. Stephen summarises it well — – a liveblog forces you to genuinely pay attention – it…
Officially here, at last, with the first major snow sighting from the Glencoe SSC Hut cam, below, and snow levels in the Highlands at 300m over the weekend. Can’t wait to get out there. Or here — Caucasus, I think, from around 10,500m, on the way back from Australia. …
Sirious stuff
I see Siri’s in the news again — there’s now a proxy available. An earlier article commented on the use of Siri, saying he or she (she from now on) mostly has been quizzed on her relationship with Hal 9000 (she won’t discuss it), asked for stories (she has one to tell, if pushed) and deluged with requests for illegal…
Interpretation, narrative, sim learning
You know how it is: you talk about things at a seminar or workshop, and then you rehearse it afterwards, the things you should have said, directions you might have taken but didn’t. One of the things I should have talked about in the optional APLEC workshop, if there had been time, was the power…
Standardized clients @ ANU Legal Workshop
Still catching up on AU activities, before the plane later today flies me back to northern winter. As Adjunct Prof at ANU I spent the earlier part of the week training Standardized Clients at ANU’s Legal Workshop, and simultaneously training the staff under Margie Rowe’s capable direction who will take on the future training. Our…