CLE 2015: Graham Ferris asks …
Can the provision of legal services and legal education conflict when serving the idea of access to justice? Access to justice and unmet legal need is not new and is a problem that most people involved in the law would like to resolve. Growing up, ‘court’ is when something bad happens to you so…
CLE conference keynote 1: Amerdeep Somal (PM)
First of three keynotes, this one by Amerdeep Somal, Nottingham Trent Alumna of the Year. Amerdeep has experience of working for the Ombudsman Service, has worked for the Independent Police Complaints Commission, a prosecutor in the CPS, and as an Immigration Judge (First Tier tribunal). She started with reference to her own legal education, at…
Conference: Legal Education and Access to Justice
This conference is starting tomorrow at Nottingham Trent University Law School. It’s organised by Professor Jane Ching and Jo Boylan-Kemp, Principal Lecturer in the Law School. Around 50 or so attending internationally, and there are some great sessions planned. In lieu of a conference page in the Centre for Legal Education website (it’s currently undergoing…
BILETA conference 2015
Am giving a paper at BILETA 2015, entitled ‘Disintermediation and legal education’. Slides up on Slideshare and at the Slides tab above. Abstract: Disintermediation is a concept well-understood in almost all industries. At its simplest, it refers to the process by which intermediaries in a supply chain are eliminated, most often by digital re-engineering of…
Reinventing University Publishing: day 2, Perspectives – New monographs
Apologies — liveblogged, but forgot to post this from the conference… First on, McComas Taylor and Grazia Scotellaro, ‘E-texts: a new experience in learning objects’. Took us through the example of ANU E-View student textbook, The Joy of Sanskrit. Excellent presentation taking us through the process of creating and using the e-text, which students loved.…
Reinventing University Publishing – final thoughts
I missed the keynotes and some other sections of the conference, but from what I saw I thought it was a useful, in fact essential, conference for any academic staff thinking of digital publishing for research, data curation or learning and teaching purposes. There were a few descriptions of University Presses etc that weren’t really reinventing university publishing,…
Reinventing University Publishing: day 2, Panel – New Models
Had to miss the keynote, so in for the morning panel. First up, Randy S. Kiefer, Exec Dir CLOCKSS. This is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the principle of LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) + C = Controlled. So they’ve developed a decentralised, geographically disparate preservation model, with 12 nodes worldwide, and seek…
The provincial, the global and the inner émigré
About a month ago I was out at Murrumbateman, visiting a couple of colleagues. Craig and Skye invited some of us from Legal Workshop out to their fine house for dinner and a performance of Macbeth – in a winery, Shaws. Think Birnam Wood translated to a vineyard. The tiny touring company chose well. Macbeth is…
Happy birthday, blog
On 17.3.05 I started this blog (first at Typepad, then on WordPress). Even then I felt I was coming late to the blogging party, but thought I’d give it a go anyway. And here we are, me and the blog, 10 years later. Bits of it are a wee bit neglected, needs a spring clean,…
Reinventing University Publishing, day one, pm session
This is Changing Horizons, the first panel session after the keynote which I had to miss. Also missed first two presentations in this session. Third up, Belinda Tiffen, Director Library Resources Unit and Scott Abbott, UTS ePRESS Project Officer, UTS, – ‘Keep calm and unlock research: reinventing UTS ePRESS. Focused mostly on OA academic journals, a…
Reinventing University Publishing
I’m attending the above conference at ANU, organised by CAUL Library Publishing Advisory Committee, having to drop in and out because of meetings & other things, but determined to participate as much as possible – too important to miss. CAUL notes in its conference blurb: ‘academic publishing and the scholarly communication environment is in a…
The PhD and beyond[:] the apprenticeship model of learning
At the kind invitation of Mary Spiers-Williams, I gave a seminar to our doctoral students here at ANU College of Law, last Friday. For some reason WordPress refuses to render the slideset at the usual tab above, so you’ll find them over at Slideshare. The title is a sort of pun: the colon is and isn’t…