• CLE15: Nottingham Creative IP Project (PH)

    Presented by Nick Johnson and Janice Denoncourt from NLS. Janice and Nick had sponsorship of £69,000 (a lot for Law) from the Intellectual Property Offic and the EU to establish a project that combined expertise from the NLS Legal Advice Centre, the IP Research Group, the Hive and the School of Art & Design.  They…

  • Access to justice for crime victims, the accused, and the community: teaching law students about the role of the prosecutor in advancing social justice (PM)

    First session of the third and last day, and it’s Lynn Su from New York Law School.  She’s a former assistant district attorney from the Office of the District Attorney (DA), Bronx County, NY City. She is describing a clinic run at NYLS that focuses on prosecution (apparently the model for the office of Law…

  • Caste in law schools?

    Caste, it appears, doesn’t exist in law schools.  But Sameena argues the opposite — it’s very much there.  Cf World Report 2008 – ‘Dalits and indigenous peoples … continue to face discrimination, exclusion and acts of violence.’  In law and caste, what happens to these cases?  Very little data — eg number of cases.  And…

  • Do we need a professor for the public understanding of law? (PM)

    Final session, first up, Graeme Broadbent (Kingston U., UK).  After the appointment of Brian Cox as Prof for Public Engagement in Science, do we need it for law?  There are profs for public understanding of history, marine health and other subjects.  We’re behind, in law, says Graeme.  Information about law and legal issues is still…

  • CLE15: McKenzie Friends (PH)

    My last live blog for today! Full title:  Training Law Students to be McKenzie Friends for Victims of Domestic Abuse. Presented by:  Veronica Lachkovic who teaches on the Bar Professional Training Course for aspiring barristers at City Law School. Ronnie spoke to us about the invaluable work she has been doing, supporting and training students…

  • CLE15: It’s Jane and Michele (PH)

    Full Title:  Justice for All:  Reflective Practice and Reflective Learning We had a double act, as this session was co-presented by our own Prof. Jane Ching (who coincidentally has just launched a distance learning LLM in Legal Education) and also Michele Leering, Executive Director of the Community Advocacy & Legal Centre in Canada (and passionate…

  • CLE15: Jane Harries – Justice through Training for All (PH)

    Some of you may know Jane from TNA Consulting Services.   If not, here she is: The Costa Coffee product placement was accidental! Jane opened with taxation of milk quotas – talk about a unique angle.  Well done Jane, you’d win a prize for originality, if we had one! Jane’s talk focused on training in the…

  • The creation of a university teaching law firm through the alternative business structure model – farsighted or foolhardy? (PM)

    First up after lunch, Jenny Holloway, Nick Johnson and Jane Jarman (Nottingham Law School, NLS), on a unique venture at NLS integrating clinic and ABS (alternative business structure, cf Legal Services Act 2007, etc) Why have a legal advice centre? overall educational benefits of clinical legal education professional ethic and skills based education legal practice…

  • CLE15: John Hodgson – What is a solicitor (PH)

    John is a Reader in Law here at NLS. John explored the changes taking place in the legal profession, specifically in the context of solicitors in England & Wales. He started by explaining that solicitors are those looking to make lots of money, not Ladies of the Night!  Thanks for clearing that up, John. Even…

  • Integrating access to environmental justice within the university law school curriculum in England (PM)

    Final presentation before lunch, by David Ong of Nottingham Law School.  His project aims to link international and European developments in  information, opportunities to participate in decision-making processes, and access to judicial and administrative remedies, with related legal developments in English public law.  It’s an environmental justice project, he noted, that integrates jurisdictionally-specific and conceptually-related…

  • CLE15 presents: Becky Huxley-Binns (PH)

    Full Title:  A threshold concept of undergraduate law and ethics For those of you who don’t know Becky (that will be one person at most, then), she is currently at the University of Law and is also Chair of the QAA Law Subject Benchmark Review Panel 2014-15, UK. Becky is here to explain the work…

  • Access to justice: technology and the role of legal education – a grand convergence? (PM)

    Third and final keynote, this time given by Ron Staudt, of Chicago-Kent College of Law.  Ron is one of my legal ed tech heroes — he’s been involved since 1978, and in most of the major US tech projects since then.  I always go back to his work, and often find myself learning more about…