Table of Contents
Iowa Law Review
96 Iowa L. Rev. (2010-2011)
Issue 1
- November 2010
-Page [i]
Table of Contents - Issue 1
-Page [i]
Real Copyright Reform
Litman, Jessica
-Page 1
Policy Reversal on Reverse Payments: Why Courts Should Not Follow the New DOJ Position on Reverse-Payment Settlements of Pharmaceutical Patent Litigation
Butler, Henry N.; Jarosch, Jeffrey Paul
-Page 57
Uneasy Case for the Inside Director, The
Fairfax, Lisa M.
-Page 127
Judging Myopia in Hindsight: Bivens Actions, National Security Decisions, and the Rule of Law
Margulies, Peter
-Page 195
Tort Liability and the Original Meaning of the Freedom of Speech, Press, and Petition
Volokh, Eugene
-Page 249
Automobile Bankruptcies, Retiree Benefits, and the Futility of Springing Priorities in Chapter 11 Reorganizations
Keating, Daniel
-Page 261
Out-of-State Civil Unions in Iowa after Varnum v. Brien: Why the State of Iowa Should Recognize Civil Unions as Marriages
Cumings-Peterson, Drew A.
-Page 297
Al-Kidd v. Ashcroft: Clearly Established Confusion
Mosimann, James E.
-Page 331
Sexting: How the State Can Prevent a Moment of Indiscretion from Leading to a Lifetime of Unintended Consequences for Minors and Young Adults
Ryan, Elizabeth M.
-Page 357
FLSA Antiretaliation Provision: Defining the Outer Contours of What Constitutes an Employee Complaint, The
Snider, Erin M.
-Page 385
Table of Contents - Issue 1
Issue 2
- January 2011
-Page [i]
Table of Contents - Issue 2
-Page [i]
Coercion of Trafficked Workers, The
Kim, Kathleen
-Page 409
IP Misuse as Foreclosure
Bohannan, Christina
-Page 475
Consent to Retaliation: A Civil Recourse Theory of Contractual Liability
Oman, Nathan B.
-Page 529
Automation and the Fourth Amendment
Tokson, Matthew
-Page 581
No Middle Ground - Reflections on the Citizens United Decision
Bezanson, Randall P.
-Page 649
(Potentially) Resolving the Ever-Present Debate over Whether Noncitizens in Removal Proceedings Have a Due-Process Right to Effective Assistance of Counsel
Gindin, Walter S.
-Page 669
Princo, Patent Pools, and the Risk of Foreclosure: A Framework for Assessing Misuse
Goter, Phillip W.
-Page 699
Holden Caulfield Grows Up: Salinger v. Colting, the Promotion-of-Progress Requirement, and Market Failure in a Derivative-Works Regime
Newman, John M.
-Page 737
Is Senator Grassley Our Savior: The Crusade against Charitable Hospitals Attacking Patients for Unpaid Bills
Thai, Amanda W.
-Page 761
Table of Contents - Issue 2
Issue 3
- March 2010
-Page [i]
Table of Contents - Issue 3
-Page [i]
Striking a Balance: When Should Trade-Secret Law Shield Disclosures to the Government
Rowe, Elizabeth A.
-Page 791
Is Integration a Discriminatory Purpose
Adams, Michelle
-Page 837
Grantor Trust Rules Should Be Repealed, The
Ascher, Mark L.
-Page 885
Winning through Losing
NeJaime, Douglas
-Page 941
Through the Tiers: Are Iowa's New Sex-Offender Laws Unconstitutional
Meirick, Jacquelyn M.
-Page 1013
Prepayment Premiums: Contracting for Future Financial Stability in the Commercial Lending Market
Murray, Megan W.
-Page 1037
Broad Reach of Civil RICO: Analyzing Plaintiffs' Claims for Employer Violations of the Immigration and Nationality Act, The
Mutrux, Carolyn A.
-Page 1079
Questioning the Supremacy of the Supreme Court: Hernandez-Carrera v. Carlson and the Tenth Circuit's Justification for Indefinite Detention under the Brand X Framework
Phillips, Brandon L.
-Page 1099
Table of Contents - Issue 3
Issue 4
- May 2011
-Page [i]
Table of Contents - Issue 4
-Page [i]
Password Protected - Can a Password Save Your Cell Phone from a Search Incident to Arrest
Geshowitz, Adam M.
-Page 1125
New Legal Theory to Test Executive Pay: Contractual Unconscionability, A
Cunningham, Lawrence A.
-Page 1177
Rodrigo's Reconsideration: Intersectionality and the Future of Critical Race Theory
Delgado, Richard
-Page 1247
Citizenship and Worldwide Taxation: Citizenship as an Administrable Proxy for Domicile
Zelinsky, Edward A.
-Page 1289
Future of Manifest Disregard as a Valid Ground for Vacating Arbitration Awards in Light of the Supreme Court's Ruling in Hall Street Associates, L.L.C. v. Mattel, Inc., The
Gronlund, Ann C.
-Page 1351
Beyond a Carcieri Fix: The Need for Broader Reform of the Land-into-Trust Process of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934
Hettler, Amanda D.
-Page 1377
Rule 15: A Limited Safety Net for 12(b)(6) Dismissal after Iqbal
Reuland, Thomas A.
-Page 1403
Reconciling the Terms and Spirit of the Law: Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives and the FLSA Outside-Sales Exemption
Sullivan, Bryan D.
-Page 1429
Table of Contents - Issue 4
Issue 5
- July 2011
-Page [i]
Table of Contents - Issue 5
-Page [i]
Symposium: The Future of Legal Education: Foreword
-Page 1449
Reimagining Law Schools
Symposium: The Future of Legal Education: Keynote Speech
Chemrinsky, Erwin
-Page 1461
Accreditation Reconsidered
Symposium: The Future of Legal Education
Areen, Judith
-Page 1471
Should Law-School Applications Include a Warning Label
Symposium: The Future of Legal Education
Baker, David L.
-Page 1495
On Becoming a Lawyer
Symposium: The Future of Legal Education
Barrows, Joel W.
-Page 1511
Architecture of Accreditation, The
Symposium: The Future of Legal Education
Conison, Jay
-Page 1515
What Will Our Future Look Like and How Will We Respond
Symposium: The Future of Legal Education
Fitts, Michael A.
-Page 1539
Importance of Student and Faculty Diversity in Law Schools: One Dean's Perspective, The
Symposium: The Future of Legal Education
Johnson, Kevin R.
-Page 1549
Viability of the Law Degree: Cost, Value, and Intrinsic Worth, The
Symposium: The Future of Legal Education
Matasar, Richard A.
-Page 1579
Value of a Law Degree, The
Symposium: The Future of Legal Education
Nance, Cynthia E.
-Page 1629
Practicing Theory: Legal Education for the Twenty-First Century
Symposium: The Future of Legal Education
Ribstein, Larry E.
-Page 1649
Seven Principles: Increasing Access to Law School among Students of Color
Symposium: The Future of Legal Education
Smith, Catherine E.
-Page 1677
Training the Whole Lawyer
Symposium: The Future of Legal Education
Tacha, Deanell Reece
-Page 1699
Best Practices for Hiring and Retaining a Diverse Law Faculty
Symposium: The Future of Legal Education
Testy, Kellye Y.
-Page 1707
Standing in the Wake of the Foreclosure Crisis: Why Procedural Requirements are Necessary to Prevent Further Loss to Homeowners
Froehle, Timothy A.
-Page 1719
Not Always the World's Shortest Editorial: Why Credit-Rating-Agency Speech is Sometimes Professional Speech
Heggen, Jonathan W.
-Page 1745
University-Funded Discrimination: Unresolved Issues after the Supreme Court's Resolution of the Circuit Split on University Funding for Discriminatory Organizations
Hennessy, Jennifer J.
-Page 1767
Taking the Lead on Cyberbullying: Why Schools Can and Should Protect Students Online
Lane, Darcy K.
-Page 1791
Table of Contents - Issue 5
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96 Iowa L. Rev. 1579 (2010-2011)
Viability of the Law Degree: Cost, Value, and Intrinsic Worth, The; Matasar, Richard A. |