Some of you may know Jane from TNA Consulting Services. If not, here she is:
The Costa Coffee product placement was accidental!
Jane opened with taxation of milk quotas – talk about a unique angle. Well done Jane, you’d win a prize for originality, if we had one!
Jane’s talk focused on training in the workplace, which was a nice change after mostly concentrating on higher education thus far. However, her talk had wider application, since a key message was: what is the role of the educator in making sure that justice is achieved? How do we re-engage our learners, especially making sure we put the right people on the right courses at the right time? We know that an indidivual’s development needs will change over time, particularly as their career progresses or digresses. How do we ensure that these individual needs are identified and addressed effectively? Jane spent some time explaining the role of key stakeholders in this e.g. learners, employers, universities, regulators and, of course, clients. How do we deal with changing business needs and what that means for upskilling lawyers?
Jane identified the relationship between the Learner and the Presenter as fundamental to what the Learner actually takes away from a session. She touched on the different identified adult learning styles (visual, auditory, tactile/kinaesthetic) which mean that even if the session is technically appropriate for all Learners in the room (right course for them, taking place at the right time), the Presenter still has to consider how best to accommodate the fact the Learners in the room will not all have the same preferred learning style. And don’t get me onto the dopamine effect! How many of us have seen that one in action (or, rather, inaction)? Jane had some practical suggestions as to how best to handle these situations, with a practical demo that involved prancing and shouting. You really did have to be there to appreciate it!