Zeugma > Zeugmatists

Zeugma is now a team.  Karen Barton, Sefton Bloxham, Patricia McKellar have all agreed to join the blog.  Karen is a colleague at the GGSL, as was Patricia until recently (now with the UK Centre for Legal Education); and Sefton is based at Edgehill and Lancaster.  Karen comes from a background in IT with IBM, via information management, and thence into legal education.  Patricia was a solicitor and partner for 10 years before entering legal education.  Sefton comes from a law and higher education background.  All are interdisciplinary writers, with a publication record in legal education & ICT since around 1997, and all have some pretty cool ideas about the future of legal education.  In time they’ll be populating the publication lists etc, and you’ll have the chance to see for yourself their work, and of course they’ll be posting to the blog. 



