Tag: Maastricht

  • SLS workshops: Problem-based learning workshop @ York University Law School

    At last year’s SLS conference in St Catherine’s College, Oxford Caroline Strevens (Legal Education section convenor) and I discussed having a number of workshops on innovative topics in legal education that bridged the gap between one conference and the next.  Nigel Duncan joined us, then Scott Slorach, and before we knew it, we had a…

  • Our online PBL JD at ANU College of Law – a personal history

    On problem-based learning (PBL), Barrows & Tamblyn (1976) and Barrows (1986) are the key early texts.  I remember coming across the first in the mid-1980s (not sure how, maybe a conversation with a medical student I’d known since undergrad days, she’d been attracted to it, after her own dismal medical education), following my doctorate and…