Tag: 3rd Annual Educating Tomorrow’s Lawyers Conference

  • Educating tomorrow’s legal educators: our lives as sine curves

    First, my grateful thanks to the Planning Committee of the ETL Conference, and especially to Rebecca Kourlis and Alli Gerkman for the invitation.  I enjoyed it.  I’ve been to too many conferences where panels of deans or assorted professors droned on about their institutions, or spouted some mangled reading of the Carnegie Report in support of their…

  • 3rd Annual Educating Tomorrow’s Lawyers Conference

    I’ve been invited to the 3rd Annual Educating Tomorrow’s Lawyers Conference, subtitled Accelerating Competency: Assessment in Legal Education, and being held in Denver, COL.  I’m live-blogging most of the event.  The conference is hosted by the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System (IAALS), who run a series of significant projects — one of which…